How to Improve Enterprise App Development

Make business apps

Mobile phones are quickly becoming the go-to device for many businesses with Android OS currently holding the largest market share in its field for enterprises, just ahead of Windows Desktop. Despite this, many enterprises are finding it hard to keep up with the constantly evolving world of mobile app development.

In order to overcome these app development challenges, there are four practices that developers should keep in mind when making their next enterprise app.


Make app development the priority

The first point is a bit of an obvious one but if companies want to deliver more apps, and at a higher-quality, then app development needs to be a bigger priority in the business. When enterprise apps have become the priority, the next step is to figure out which apps need developing. The best way for the business to do this is to create a roadmap that can be passed onto the app developer that takes all of the applications needed and prioritises them by business impact then the developers can assess how difficult and time consuming they are to make, and you can then move forward with the apps that will have significant business impact with a good ROI. Having a roadmap laid out like this will keep the process on track by making sure everyone knows what is the top priority and what is not.


Plan your plans

The first step of app development is the planning phase and quite often people don’t realise that this is the step that often makes or breaks app development. A common trend in enterprises is simply underestimating how much time and resources will be required to develop the app. First, the app developer will need to identify what needs doing, then design it in a way that will provide good UX and fit the business and then, it will need to be developed and made. After that, you have to test it, evaluate it and fix any problems that may arise during these tests. It is also worth remembering not to fix everything at once as sometimes fixing a problem can cause a new one and you may end up confusing yourself by losing track of the cause. Needless to say, this is all very time-consuming.

To combat this, enterprises need to consider a new model towards app development. One approach is a bimodal strategy which utilises two models of app development that help to support both efficiency and innovation. The first model pushes for a more stable infrastructure and APIs to better receive and process data without impacting the application itself. Meanwhile, the second model uses a highly productive and agile approach to development that quickly delivers the front-end app features that enterprises require.


Keep it Tailored

When you are ready to start development on your apps it might seem tempting to just rely on templates or easy to use development tools. However, this is never the way to go and for good reason. Every enterprise is unique and when investing in mobile apps for the company you want to make sure that it is fitted to your enterprise and customised for your employees. This also means that it’s best to avoid taking out licences on pre-existing apps and development tools. While it might seem like a cost-effective method to just borrow someone else’s app or buy tools to make it yourself, depending on the number of employees you have and how long you need the license for you may end up spending more money than simply partnering up with a developer for a one-off app. By doing this you can instead have the most efficient and cost-effective app for your enterprises.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help

For the inexperienced, app development can be both daunting and difficult to achieve in a timely manner. Fortunately, there are already experienced developers out there who are keen to help. Businesses, both new and old, should not be afraid to outsource the more complex elements of their apps to the companies out there who develop for a living. Don’t waste time trying to break your way through a development wall when there is someone nearby who can boost you over.

With these four tips, any enterprise thinking about creating mobile apps for their business should have no problems. Just remember to prioritise, plan, keep it unique and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.