Many enterprises only view mobile apps as software for consumers, but many employers forget that their employees are consumers as well. Most if not all employees will bring a smart device with them to work and it is about time that employers capitalize on this. Many of the old processes used in the workplace can be transferred to a digital space and take advantage of smart devices to greatly improve productivity.
The sales department is just one area where enterprise-grade mobile apps can greatly improve workflow and employee productivity. You could have apps that allow employees to easily access sales and customer information, even from outside the office, and apps that make it easier for updates and marketing to be distributed amongst the business.
Those are just a few examples, so check out our webinar below and learn how you can maximize employee productivity through mobile apps. This free webinar will only offer advice, no sales pitch included! In this webinar you will learn:
• How custom-fitted app solutions can provide tangible ROI benefits to a business
• Three key functions a mobile app needs any sales team
• Easy win tactics that can be employed to push your company forward.