Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the event where the mobile and app industry descend on Barcelona to talk shop and sink a few sangrias – and the Pocket App team will be there again.
We are looking forward to a whole host of new phone launches as well as exciting developments in terms of lightning fast 5G devices and 5G networks.
The Samsung Galaxy S10 will probably launch at the show, and our co-founder and android fan boy Paul Swaddle is looking forward to taking a look at the new features and functions of this flagship product.
We will also be catching up with many of our technology partners including Urban Airship and MasterCard as well as finding new and exciting services to include in our clients mobile solutions.
When is MWC 2019
This year’s Mobile World Congress takes place from Monday 25 February to Thursday 28 February. We will be there the whole time so get in touch to arrange a meeting, whether you are an existing client or interested in talking about a new project.