Webinar: Do you run a sales team? Learn how to maximise your team’s productivity through mobile

Webinar sales

76% of Sales Directors believe that mobile apps improve sales team performance, but less than half of firms currently provide mobile access to critical sales and customer information.

Enterprise-grade mobile apps can equip sales teams with a set of high-impact selling tools and offer a distribution channel via smartphone or tablet for updated marketing collateral and sales content, ensuring that the organisation’s frontline team are always up to date.

This free webinar will outline:

  • Bespoke app solutions that have provided tangible ROI benefits to a range of businesses
  • Three important functions of a mobile app for any sales team
  • Quick win tactics that you can employ to take your company forward.
  • Ideas only, no sales pitch!

 Join Pocket App for this 30min webinar

When: 14th November 2017

Time: 12.30pm GMT

Register HERE